CareScout Editorial Process

We take the content we share with you seriously. All articles and other types of content in the Resources section of our website go through these stages:

Click on the links above to learn more about each step in the process, as well as the people who help bring our content to life.

We welcome your feedback! Feel free to drop us a note at

Our writers

Our articles, infographics, videos, and other content are developed by experienced writers who specialize in creating person-centered content that is easy to understand, devoid of jargon, and imbued with care and empathy. Our writers are trained in journalistic principles and practices, and ensure that our content is clear, actionable, and accurate.

Our editorial team

Our editorial review team brings a human-centered lens to our content – ensuring that our web resources are reliable, relatable, caring, and useful. Their goal is to give care seekers the information and tools they need to approach their aging journey with confidence and dignity.

Our expert review team

Our subject matter expert review team is composed of clinical professionals and other subject matter experts with specialized training and extensive experience in their area of expertise. These contributors span the long-term care landscape, including licensed social workers, nurses, therapists, home care professionals, and more. Our experts review our content on an ongoing basis to ensure it is accurate, reflects current standards of care, and is free from bias.

Our legal and compliance team

Our legal and compliance review team ensures that our content meets regulatory and legal standards for appropriate content.